AI-based health monitoring with digital devices

Real-time health monitoring with digital devices holds immense potential for early disease detection, such as assessing stroke risk through smartwatch ECG sensors.

About Us

We Build Services for Early Detection

Stroke is the 2nd leading cause of death & 1st cause of disability globally (1 in 4 adults)

Stroke costs will increase to €86 billion in 2040

Timely intervention is crucial; often unnoticed or neglected, especially in women.

Our Services

What Service We Offer

We propose an AI-powered health monitoring service created using our advanced High-Performance Computing tools including AI algorithms

AI parallel models

We provide customizable framework integrating responsible AI, edge-cloud computing, and wearable devices to serve various digital medicine scenarios

High Performance Computing Tools

We are a BSC Spinoff. We are expert on HPC and distri

Transparent Management of Large Data Volumes

Efficient data management through HPC guarantees accurate risk assessments, enhancing the reliability of preventive measures.

About us

High Performance Team

Computer Sciences

Workflows and Distributed Computing

  • Daniele Lezzi
  • Rosa M. Badia
  • Francesc Lordan
  • Fernando Vazquez

Life Sciences

Machine Learning for Biomedical Research

  • Davide Cirillo
  • Alfonso Valencia
  • Maria J. Rementeria
  • Fatemeh Baghdadi


We have created collaborations relevant stakeholders in the stroke prevention

We are convinced that being able to apply AI-SPRINT study to 2 of our patient populations (one affected by rheumatoid arthritis and one affected by systemic vasculitis) who, due to their rheumatic pathology, present an even greater cardiovascular risk than the general population, could give us relevant results

Davide Filippini

Neurologist Niguarda

Having had the opportunity to collaborate with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center we are highly impressed by the depth of research and innovative approach of OneCareAI. We firmly believe that this project holds great promise for the field of stroke prevention.

Borja Gonzalvez

Product Manager – Nuubo

The GeneStroke project is a consortium of research groups who share the same interest in elucidating the genetic markers implicated in stroke. It was established in 2008 and is open to groups from all over Spain. We are very keen to collaborate with OneCareAI for the identification of high risk population through AI models.

We at Freno al Ictus are very impressed by the outstanding research proposal and the dedication of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center to improve stroke prevention, as well as the interdisciplinary approach proposed, the scientific quality of its members, and the potential of bringing the benefits of edge systems and Artificial Intelligence to stroke healthcare.

Julio Agredano

President – Freno al Ictus